Seeds Are Life.

Saving seed and adapting plants are the fundamental pillars of a food system. No seeds, no food. Food cannot be produced without plants who are adapted to the environmental pressures unique to each region. All varieties of crops are a living extension of thousands of years of diligent care and selection by our collective human kin. Our agricultural past is woven into the fabric of our present in the form of seeds and only through these seeds do we have the ability to shape our future.

Locally adapted and selected open-pollinated seeds represent the opportunity for a local agricultural system to operate at the highest level of sustainability, security, and resiliency. A system of sustainability must adapt year after year in step with Mother Nature. It is our mission to bring that vision back into being. It is our responsibility to source cultivars that perform well in a host of less than ideal circumstances while still be of the highest desired quality. In order to meet that criteria, varieties we trial and breed must show multiple disease resistance, be high yielding, adaptable, resilient and, of course, possess outstanding flavor. Once these varieties are identified, we have the great honor of selecting seed from plants that continue to express those traits as well as new traits that improve upon the variety through a process called 'rigorous selection'. We find, maintain, and create varieties that allow those who grow them to be successful and to minimize the margin of crop loss, as much as nature will allow. Farming is never predictable and weather is almost never cooperative, but resilient seeds allow us to ride the wave of Mother Nature's effluence with best success. The varieties we source are an eclectic mix of heirlooms, university releases from open-pollinated plant breeding programs, and new open-pollinated varieties from other independent plant breeders.

As human beings we long to share a beautiful world together. A beautiful world starts at the local level. At Bhoomi Devi Seeds, we understand this is only possible when we can save our own seed, grow our own food, and guide our society with our own hands and our own hearts.

It is our wish to see a joyful planet, full of joyful and loving people, deeply rooted in ecology and agrarian life ways. We hope our work can be a stepping stone towards this vision. We look forward to growing for you.

- Olivia O'Dwyer & Noah Dest

Your farmers at Bhoomi Devi Seeds