"Elka" Hungarian Bread Seed Poppy


60 days to flower

90 days to dried seed

200 seeds per packet

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60 days to flower

90 days to dried seed

200 seeds per packet

60 days to flower

90 days to dried seed

200 seeds per packet

Papaver somniferum

Elka is a white bread seed poppy with rich flavor, full of healthy oils and dense nutrition. Most bread seed poppies are blue and silver tinged with a slightly sharper flavor. Elka is reminiscent of walnuts in flavor and is great in baked goods or even for poppy seed nut butter. Beautiful white/lavender/light pink flowers are held high above the ground like delicate umbrellas waving in the breeze. Flowers will be followed by primordial orbs containing life-giving food. A poetic plant and very lovely company.

Growing Instructions:

Direct sow as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Direct sow only, do not transplant.

Space seeds 6 inches apart

Space rows 10”to 12” apart.

Poppies require light for germination. plant on the surface of the soil and barely cover. Keep the rows moist until seedling emergence. Seeds are small, thinning can be done once plants emerge.

Poppies need moderate fertility. Sow a fall annual legume cover crop such as peas to fix nitrogen for the upcoming spring planting. Make sure soil pH is between 5.8 and 7.0. If plant needs a growing boost, water with nitrogen tea or compost tea a few times. If trace minerals are inadequate, sprinkle a small amount of woodash or azomite in each planting hole.

Harvest Instructions:

Harvest seed heads once they have dried down. Lay out a tarp and trample seed heads under foot to release the seed. Winnow to clean. Store in air tight jars in a cool dry place.

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