"Novantina" Broccoli Raab
45 days to maturity
200 seeds per packet
45 days to maturity
200 seeds per packet
45 days to maturity
200 seeds per packet
Brassica rapa
Novantina Broccoli Raab, or rapini, is a milder and sweeter variety of raab, less bitter and pungent as other types. It has very tender stalks with larger florets. Sow in spring for two or more flushes of florets over a 10 days period in June. We love to pair our Novantina Raab planting with our overwintered Deitrich’s Wild Raab to extend our broccoli raab harvests! Deitrich’s Raab will be the first to greet you in May, producing florets until June. As Deitrich’s starts going to flower in early June, Novantina will just be getting started with a cascade of succulent shoots. Keep the raab coming please!
Growing Instructions:
Direct seed in early spring and in early summer for two successions of raab. Sow 3” apart in rows 8-12” apart.
We also recommend a fall cover crop of peas or another annual legume to fix nitrogen for the upcoming spring planting. Mulch with leaves, or whatever you have available, to hold moisture and suppress weeds. Make sure soil pH is between 5.8 and 7.0. If plants needs a growing boost, water with nitrogen tea or compost tea a few times. If trace minerals are inadequate, sprinkle a small amount of woodash in each planting hole.
Harvest Instructions:
Harvest florets before buds begin to open, You should get two waves of harvest per plant,