"Tromboncino" Summer Squash
65 days to maturity
15 seeds per packet
65 days to maturity
15 seeds per packet
65 days to maturity
15 seeds per packet
Cucurbita moschata
An Italian heirloom butternut squash that has been selected to eat in the summer squash stage. Light green in color and can grow very long creating beautiful shapes, indeed like a little trumpet! Tromboncino is incredibly rich in flavor, far surpassing many of the more widely available C. pepo zucchinis and summer squashes. This is a fully vining variety and we recommend trellising. Not bred to be eaten as a winter squash, but if any do get by you they make beautiful decorative squashes that you can then save your own seed from! Enjoy this beloved traditional culinary treasure.
Sowing and Growing Information Coming Soon!